x Delivery time: Your delivery will take about 3 to 4 days for processing. The delivery time then depends on the country of shipment, the average is 7-14 business days. (the bag takes longer to ship, please see product description)
x Suppliers: The country in which each order is fulfilled is carefully selected by our advanced routing algorithm at the time of ordering. In most cases, products are shipped to the nearest production center. Sometimes, for reasons such as stock availability, orders may be shipped internationally even if a fulfillment center exists within the same country.
x Expeditor's Address: Since the item leaves directly from the supplier to your home, please note that the expeditor's address will vary for each item, depending on where it is made.
x Receiving Products: Some items will not be made at the same center. Therefore, it often happens that your items are sent separately. Don't worry, this is normal!
x Tracking number: Your order will automatically have a tracking number, you will receive this number when the order is on its way.
x Shipping Service: Your packages will be sent by the shipping service offered by the supplier at the time of the order. The company may vary. Some companies will leave your packages at the door and others at the post office.
x Return to supplier: Please verify the accuracy of your address at the time of the purchase. If the address is not correct, the item will automatically be returned to the supplier. Please note that shipping costs will be at the customer's expense. The same conditions apply if you do not pick up your package on time or if you don’t accept the products.
x Customs fees: Orders are produced locally as much as possible, so customs fees are rare. If any charges are applicable, they will be borne by the customer.
x Questions: If you have any questions, please contact me by email at entreprise@balys.ca